The Simpsons
Look at this family tree (arbre généalogique) and write the words in the correct boxes! When you have finished, click on "Check"!


The Simpsons
  1. Bart is Lisa's .
  2. Marge is Homer's .
  3. Clancy is Jackie's .
  4. Maggie is Ling's .
  5. Bart is Ling's .
  6. Ling is Selma's .
  7. Lisa is Herb's .
  8. Homer is Abraham's .
  9. Marge is Clancy and Jackie's .
  10. Abraham is Lisa's .
  11. Jackie is Marge's .
  12. Patty is Bart's .
  13. Patty is Homer's .
  14. Clancy and Jackie are Ling, Bart, Lisa and Maggie's .
  15. Jackie is Bart's .
  16. Herb is Maggie's .
  17. Homer is Maggie's .
  18. Homer en Marge are Lisa, Bart and Maggie's .
  19. Herb is Marge's .
  20. Lisa is Maggie's .
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